Apologies and Absences

The Processes

Students enrolled in a class who know in advance they will not be attending are expected to lodge an apology by logging on to the On line Member Services or to phone the Office where the apology(ies) will be recorded via the Apologies App in Administration Management.

When a student misses a class without having first submitted an apology it is regarded as an Absence Without Apology (AWA). Where there are members on a wait list for places in that class, after a specified number of consecutive AWAs the student may be removed from the class and the place offered to a member on the waitlist.

Similarly, when a student enrolled in a class takes extended leave from the class by submitting a number of successive apologies, a member on the waitlist may be offered that place in the class temporarily during the absence.

Absences without Apologies (AWAs)



When a student is removed having reached the maximum number of Absences Without Apology (AWAs), an email is sent to the student (or to the Class co-ordinator if the student is not on email who subsequently phones the student) advising termination of the enrolment in that class.

If the replacement is automatic, the member on the waitlist who first requested a place in the class is advised by email (or a phone call from the Class Co-ordinator) of the availability of a place in the class. If that member refuses the place, the next member in line is invited.

If the replacement is manual, the above actions are taken by the Tutor (Tutor Portal) or Class Co-ordinator (Class Planning app).

Defining the Parameters

Globally: In the Options app under Class

Class Specific: In Class Update in the Class management App.

Temporary Places



When an student submits consecutive apologies equal to or exceeding the minimum specified, a place is offered to a member on the waitlist to join the class temporarily.

If the offer is automatic, the member on the waitlist who first requested a place in the class is advised by email (or a phone call from the Class Co-ordinator) of the availability of a temporary place in the class and the dates of the sessions involved. If that member refuses the place, the next member in line is invited.

If the offer is manual, the above actions are taken by the Tutor (Tutor Portal) or Class Co-ordinator (Class Planning app).

Defining the Parameters

Globally: In the Options app under Class Management

Class Specific: Under Class Update in the Class management App.

For further assistance, contact support

Created: 10th October 2014